To better understand what each part of your bill means, we have created an example below for your convenience. Click on the image to open a larger version for better viewing.
Example Bill:
Glossary of Items:
- The address to remit payment to via check or credit card information.
- Credit card information details you can provide to pay your bill.
- Your account balance or the amount of money you are responsible for.
- The date of your service.
- The doctor who performed your service.
- The description of what service was performed.
- The charge for the service you received.
- The adjustments and/or credit made by your insurance or previous payments for that service.
- The balance owed for that service.
- Your payment responsibility for that service.
- The amount of money insurance will pay for your service(s). This amount is pending claims.
- The total charges rendered during the account statement period (monthly).
- The last payment amount and date we received for you.
- The primary and secondary (if applicable) insurances we are billing for the services rendered.
Category: Billing & Insurance